2022-07-01 15:30:52
全球军事实力排名2015 (126个国家GFP)
1 | United States of America | PwrIndx: 0.16612 | |
2 | Russia | PwrIndx: 0.18683 | |
3 | China | PwrIndx: 0.23414 | |
4 | India | PwrIndx: 0.26955 | |
5 | United Kingdom | PwrIndx: 0.27436 | |
6 | France | PwrIndx: 0.30657 | |
7 | South Korea | PwrIndx: 0.30988 | |
8 | Germany | PwrIndx: 0.35059 | |
9 | Japan | PwrIndx: 0.383610 | |
10 | Turkey | PwrIndx: 0.433511 | |
11 | Israel | PwrIndx: 0.497412 | |
12 | Indonesia | PwrIndx: 0.523113 | |
13 | Australia | PwrIndx: 0.528114 | |
14 | Canada | PwrIndx: 0.562515 | |
15 | Taiwan | PwrIndx: 0.567116 | |
16 | Italy | PwrIndx: 0.573517 | |
17 | Pakistan | PwrIndx: 0.612218 | |
18 | Egypt | PwrIndx: 0.621419 | |
19 | Poland | PwrIndx: 0.668820 | |
20 | Thailand | PwrIndx: 0.683321 | |
21 | Vietnam | PwrIndx: 0.702422 | |
22 | Brazil | PwrIndx: 0.706323 | |
23 | Iran | PwrIndx: 0.761924 | |
24 | Sweden | PwrIndx: 0.807525 | |
25 | Ukraine | PwrIndx: 0.821426 | |
26 | Singapore | PwrIndx: 0.858427 | |
27 | Algeria | PwrIndx: 0.869528 | |
28 | Saudi Arabia | PwrIndx: 0.870229 | |
29 | Czech Republic | PwrIndx: 0.874830 | |
30 | Switzerland | PwrIndx: 0.894231 | |
31 | Mexico | PwrIndx: 0.907132 | |
32 | South Africa | PwrIndx: 0.923333 | |
33 | Norway | PwrIndx: 0.932734 | |
34 | Austria | PwrIndx: 0.944435 | |
35 | Malaysia | PwrIndx: 0.961236 | |
36 | North Korea | PwrIndx: 1.023237 | |
37 | Netherlands | PwrIndx: 1.028138 | |
38 | Spain | PwrIndx: 1.064139 | |
39 | Denmark | PwrIndx: 1.099440 | |
40 | Philippines | PwrIndx: 1.108541 | |
41 | Nigeria | PwrIndx: 1.159742 | |
42 | Syria | PwrIndx: 1.167743 | |
43 | Chile | PwrIndx: 1.172444 | |
44 | Myanmar | PwrIndx: 1.181145 | |
45 | Belarus | PwrIndx: 1.191746 | |
46 | Ethiopia | PwrIndx: 1.200947 | |
47 | Argentina | PwrIndx: 1.236448 | |
48 | Finland | PwrIndx: 1.242749 | |
49 | Morocco | PwrIndx: 1.243150 | |
50 | United Arab Emirates | PwrIndx: 1.247951 | |
51 | Peru | PwrIndx: 1.269852 | |
52 | Colombia | PwrIndx: 1.278353 | |
53 | Bangladesh | PwrIndx: 1.289454 | |
54 | Uzbekistan | PwrIndx: 1.298955 | |
55 | Belgium | PwrIndx: 1.325856 | |
56 | Romania | PwrIndx: 1.374157 | |
57 | Portugal | PwrIndx: 1.419258 | |
58 | Tunisia | PwrIndx: 1.444959 | |
59 | Hungary | PwrIndx: 1.455860 | |
60 | Slovakia | PwrIndx: 1.495161 | |
61 | Croatia | PwrIndx: 1.503362 | |
62 | Venezuela | PwrIndx: 1.517263 | |
63 | Azerbaijan | PwrIndx: 1.521164 | |
64 | Jordan | PwrIndx: 1.572965 | |
65 | Greece | PwrIndx: 1.616166 | |
66 | Kazakhstan | PwrIndx: 1.619767 | |
67 | Bulgaria | PwrIndx: 1.670468 | |
68 | Kenya | PwrIndx: 1.683569 | |
69 | Oman | PwrIndx: 1.683670 | |
70 | Serbia | PwrIndx: 1.693571 | |
71 | Kuwait | PwrIndx: 1.733672 | |
72 | Ecuador | PwrIndx: 1.749173 | |
73 | Sri Lanka | PwrIndx: 1.755674 | |
74 | Armenia | PwrIndx: 1.822375 | |
75 | Georgia | PwrIndx: 1.842376 | |
76 | Angola | PwrIndx: 1.857977 | |
77 | Qatar | PwrIndx: 1.882978 | |
78 | Kyrgyzstan | PwrIndx: 1.890179 | |
79 | Yemen | PwrIndx: 1.927180 | |
80 | New Zealand | PwrIndx: 1.947481 | |
81 | Tajikistan | PwrIndx: 1.988482 | |
82 | Niger | PwrIndx: 2.007983 | |
83 | Bahrain | PwrIndx: 2.104984 | |
84 | Nepal | PwrIndx: 2.158185 | |
85 | Mongolia | PwrIndx: 2.184186 | |
86 | Lebanon | PwrIndx: 2.224187 | |
87 | Latvia | PwrIndx: 2.248188 | |
88 | Bolivia | PwrIndx: 2.248789 | |
89 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | PwrIndx: 2.280490 | |
90 | Turkmenistan | PwrIndx: 2.306991 | |
91 | Uganda | PwrIndx: 2.312292 | |
92 | Lithuania | PwrIndx: 2.323193 | |
93 | Chad | PwrIndx: 2.358794 | |
94 | Guatemala | PwrIndx: 2.381195 | |
95 | Zimbabwe | PwrIndx: 2.396896 | |
96 | Cambodia | PwrIndx: 2.402897 | |
97 | Ivory Coast | PwrIndx: 2.464198 | |
98 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | PwrIndx: 2.489799 | |
99 | Slovenia | PwrIndx: 2.5034100 | |
100 | Albania | PwrIndx: 2.5324101 | |
101 | Sudan | PwrIndx: 2.5529102 | |
102 | Afghanistan | PwrIndx: 2.5748103 | |
103 | Ghana | PwrIndx: 2.5913104 | |
104 | Honduras | PwrIndx: 2.5972105 | |
105 | Central African Republic | PwrIndx: 2.6089106 | |
106 | Paraguay | PwrIndx: 2.6167107 | |
107 | Nicaragua | PwrIndx: 2.6402108 | |
108 | Estonia | PwrIndx: 2.6746109 | |
109 | Uruguay | PwrIndx: 2.7763110 | |
110 | Cuba | PwrIndx: 2.8157111 | |
111 | El Salvador | PwrIndx: 2.8578112 | |
112 | Iraq | PwrIndx: 2.8583113 | |
113 | Namibia | PwrIndx: 3.0909114 | |
114 | Panama | PwrIndx: 3.1522115 | |
115 | Madagascar | PwrIndx: 3.2231116 | |
116 | Republic of the Congo | PwrIndx: 3.2754117 | |
117 | Laos | PwrIndx: 3.2976118 | |
118 | Gabon | PwrIndx: 3.3889119 | |
119 | Cameroon | PwrIndx: 3.4577120 | |
120 | Tanzania | PwrIndx: 3.5526121 | |
121 | South Sudan | PwrIndx: 3.5782122 | |
122 | Libya | PwrIndx: 3.5828123 | |
123 | Zambia | PwrIndx: 3.6389124 | |
124 | Mali | PwrIndx: 3.7381125 | |
125 | Mozambique | PwrIndx: 3.8105126 | |
126 | Somalia | PwrIndx: 5.7116 |